Flat abs & Diet - For Android

Cover artThe key to a sculpted midsection is using smart and effective stabilizing moves. But if your body fat is too high, it won't matter how wisely you work your abs—they won't show. That's why you need to add those moves to a full-body strength and cardio routine that will boost your metabolism, blast fat, and finally uncover those abs you've been working so hard to develop.And while the exercises can be thrown into your workout at random, that tactic will get you just a fraction of their benefits. For full value, work on progression.
Here's how it works: After a 10- minute dynamic warm-up, do the first two moves as instructed, then finish with a total-body workout. Do this three times a week on nonconsecutive days for two weeks, then go to the next two moves. Repeat the pattern over eight weeks until you've done all eight moves.
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Keywords: Abs, Flat abs, belly, Flat belly, reduce fat, workouts, strength, exercise, muscles, weights, plank, body, fat, side plank, ab exercises, slim, tummy, health.

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